
The roses bloom so beautifully because they are not trying to become lotuses. And the lotuses bloom so beautifully because they have not heard the legends about other flowers. Everything in nature goes so beautifully in accord, because nobody is trying to complete with anybody, nobody is trying to become anybody else. Everything is the way it is.

Just see the point! Just be yourself and remember you cannot be anything else, whatsoever you do. All effort is futile. You have to be just yourself.

In love, one plus one becomes one, not two. In deep love, the twoness disappears. Mathematics is transcendent; it becomes irrelevant. In deep love, two people are no more two people, they become one. They start feeling, functioning, as one unit, as one organic unity, as one orgasmic joy.

The moment the ego disappears, all the secrets are open secrets. Life is not like a fist; it is an open hand.

All moments are beautiful, only you have to be receptive and surrendering. All moments are blessing, only you have to be capable of seeing. All moments are benedictions. If you accept with a deep gratitude, nothing ever goes wrong.

Jag har läst en bok som Hamid har, den är översatt till farsi men står även på engelska vilket jag är GLAD över :D Den boken är så bra!!!


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